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A Section 8 filing refers to a specific requirement under United States trademark law, specifically governed by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). It is associated with the maintenance and renewal of a registered trademark. When a trademark is registered with the USPTO, it grants the owner certain exclusive rights to use that […]

What is a Trademark Section 8 Filing?

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We all know that for product-based businesses, selling on Amazon can be crucial in a competitive marketplace. But the rampant infringement of brands and product has led to consumer confusion, brand garnishment, and general chaos. Enter the Amazon Brand Registry. The Amazon Brand Registry is a program designed by Amazon to help brand owners protect […]

5 Tips to Combat Brand Infringement on Amazon

amazon warehouse

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General Business, Law

I’ll make it simple if you don’t want to read a long article: No. But read on for the nuances. Copyright and Images on the Internet Does copyright apply when you get an image off of the internet? Yes. Copyright is automatically granted to creators as soon as their original work is fixed in a […]

Can I use a Google Image on my Website or Social Media?

screenshot of google image search

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Swipe up! Influencer marketing has become an immensely popular strategy for promoting products and services, offering mutual benefits for both influencers and brands. However, many influencers and sponsoring companies are unaware of the risks related to advertising, unfair competition, and trademark laws that arise from such partnerships. One recent lawsuit, Petunia Products, Inc. v. Rodan […]

Are Influencers liable for trademark infringement of brands they promote?


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General Business, Law

Considering a trademark?