You may be searching for information on whether you should pay a copyright demand letter from Higbee and Associates. Or, perhaps, you may have found your way here through our other article on the Higbee and Associates/ Picrights duo that is haunting the inboxes of business owners everywhere. Either way, we’re happy you’re here and […]
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TikTok sensation Jools LeBron went viral when her phrase “Very Demure, Very Mindful” took off, garnering her millions of followers. However, her celebration was interrupted when Jefferson Bates filed to register her now-famous phrase. In a tearful post, Jools despaired over the fact that someone else had filed an application for her signature phrase (and […]
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On May 20, 2024, the Supreme Court declined to review the application of the “discovery rule” in the case of Hearst Newspapers, L.L.C. v. Antonio Martinelli, leaving copyright defendants in uncertain waters. This decision follows the Court’s May 10 ruling in Warner Chappell Music, Inc. v. Nealy, which rejected a three-year damages cap yet didn’t […]
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