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Trademark licensing is an extremely popular and efficient way to diversify revenue streams. You can find licensed trademarks in almost any industry, including clothing, toys, jewelry, home goods, tools, textiles, autos, video games, even the alcohol industry. But trademark licensing is actually fairly complex. Failure to adhere to required standards can cause damage to your […]

How To License a Trademark: Don’t get caught Naked (What is a Naked License?)

various colors of tee shirts

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What is a trademark specimen? The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) requires applicants to submit a specimen as part of their trademark application to show that the mark is actually being offered for sale. A trademark application specimen is a sample of how a trademark is actually used “in commerce” to identify the […]

My Trademark Specimen Was Rejected – Now What?

woman at touchscreen computer

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Typically, when discussing “generic” marks, we’re looking at one of two situations: either a business owner wants to protect a generic phrase, OR a trademark has become generic. Let’s look at both of those here. Generic Marks are not protectable by trademark law In order for a trademark to be valid and protectable, it must […]

What is a “Generic” trademark?

generic window cleaner

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If you applied for a trademark as an “intent to use” mark with the USPTO, you may have received a “Notice of Allowance”– and that’s great news! But now, to actually complete the registration process, you must file what is known as a “Statement of Use.” What is a statement of use, and when must […]

What is a Trademark “Statement of Use”?

typing and completing a statement of use filing

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Considering a trademark?